VCF – The Victoria Climbié Foundation is set to lead on issues of child abuse linked to faith or belief supported by a national working group established by former Children’s Minister, Tim Loughton MP in February 2011 with the launch of a National Action Plan in August 2012.
The National Working Group comprises a membership of statutory, community and faith partners, as well as individuals with specialist knowledge of faith-based issues.
VCF Director, Mor Dioum will chair the group from June 2014 and is keen to see implementation of the National Action Plan across the country. “It is important that we do not shift the focus from this type of abuse, and essential that we implement the plan, to enable us to put the necessary measures in place to prevent children from death or serious injury as a result of abuse linked to faith or belief.”
We urge professionals to adopt a more holistic approach with children, young people and families when dealing with abuse that does not fit the norm, as we continue to raise awareness within the community with a view to increase the reporting of harmful practices.
The National Action Plan to tackle child abuse linked to faith or belief provides a template for national use and focuses on four key themes – engaging communities, empowering practitioners, supporting victims and witnesses, and communicating key messages.
VCF is the leading organisation addressing issues of child abuse linked to faith or belief across all ethnicities.