National Working Group on Child Abuse Linked to Faith or Belief (CALFB)

National Working Group on Child Abuse Linked to Faith or Belief (CALFB)

Secretariat for the group provided by the Department for Education (DfE) and The Victoria Climbié Foundation UK (VCF) 2014-2017

The National Working Group is a multi-agency response to child abuse linked to faith or belief; comprising representatives from statutory, voluntary, community and faith organisations, as well as individuals with specialist knowledge or expertise, committed to the implementation of a national action plan to ensure this type of abuse is not overlooked within child protection.

The group’s overarching purpose is to improve the national and local response to children at risk, or already being harmed through links to spirit possession, faith or belief. The National Working Group has a strategic role in achieving this, providing consistent high quality responses to child abuse linked to faith or belief, including raising awareness and prevention.


2017: New data available from government for child abuse linked to faith or belief 
2016: An Exploration of Child Abuse linked to Faith or Belief – Manchester Metropolitan University, VCF, CCPAS
2014: Training DVD for frontline professionals working with children – MPS
2012: Pull, B. Child Witches and Trafficking – CCPAS
2012: A Rapid Literature Review on evidence of child abuse linked to faith or belief – Childhood Wellbeing Research Centre | DfE
2012: DfE Press Release: Action plan to stop child abuse in the name of faith or belief
2012: DfE National action plan to tackle abuse linked to faith or belief | Summary
2011: Safeguarding Children’s Rights Initiative – Centre for Social Work Research | Trust for London
2006: Child Abuse linked to Accusations of ‘Possession’ and ‘Witchcraft’ – Eleanor Stobart | DfES

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