Could Logan Mwangi’s death have been prevented?

Could Logan Mwangi’s death have been prevented?

As we remember Logan Mwangi – following the sentencing of those that killed him – we are again forced to ask whether his tragic death could have been prevented.

Despite reforms and developments from Laming to Munro, we have seen the scrapping of previously recommended initiatives, and the wholesale rejection of Every Child Matters the most important policy framework for children at the time of its creation for children, schools, families and communities.

It is against the concern that the ‘Every Child Matters’ agenda has been profoundly undermined that the question arises as to the effectiveness of the current system, and why subsequent failings have led to a continuing stream of child deaths or serious harm, in circumstances that mirror Victoria Climbié.

Were we right to suggest that we have little confidence that the recent government-commissioned practice reviews would go far enough for child deaths that can, and should, be prevented

The local child safeguarding board for Sarn, Bridgend is planning to publish their report in the Autumn. Will we see determinedly positive changes or more of the same narratives and limited actions?

In the words of his father, reportedly denied access to his son, “‘Why? Why did it happen? Why did Logan have to die?’


VCF – The Victoria Climbié Foundation UK campaigns for improvements in child protection policies and practices

VCF provides a legally-based advocacy service to children, young people and families in need of support and guidance.



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