BME-Migrant Advisory Group (B-MAG); Safeguarding Children and Young People

BME-Migrant Advisory Group (B-MAG); Safeguarding Children and Young People

Secretariat for the group is provided by The Victoria Climbié Foundation UK.

The broad purpose of the group is to focus on the child protection / safeguarding needs of children and young people in migration and within ethnic minority communities. This focus aims to ensure that the rights, care and protection of the migrant and BME child are upheld and that best quality services are delivered to these children and young people.

The responsibilities of the group are to monitor and to work to improve the quality of care for these children and young people, through supporting research, campaigning and promoting professional and practitioner communication and networking, and through publication and dissemination online and in print media.

Website: BME-Migrant Advisory Group (B-MAG); Safeguarding Children & Young People 

Strategic Framework and Workstreams 
BMAG annual reports

See also:

Parliamentary debate and launch of the BME & Migrant Advisory Group

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