Stephanie Yorath


My Languages Matter; the multilingual outlook for children in care

My Languages Matter – a White Paper VCF – The Victoria Climbié Foundation UK and Mothertongue explore the impact of linguistic and cultural heritage through child […]
New data available for CALFB

VCF leadership role on child abuse linked to faith or belief

VCF – The Victoria Climbié Foundation is set to lead on issues of child abuse linked to faith or belief supported by a national working group […]

VCF partners with HCL Social Care to promote best practice in children’s social care

VCF partners with HCL Social Care to promote best practice in children’s social care HCL Social Care, a division of HCL Workforce Solutions, has been the […]

Child Witches and Trafficking

Written by Bob Pull, a former Metropolitan Police Detective Inspector, and head of Project Violet, Child Witches and Trafficking features five high profile court cases where […]

VCF calls for independent review into adoption process for a Somali child in Harrow

Print Version: VCF calls for independent review into adoption process for a Somali child in Harrow As the adoption reforms continue through the Children and Families […]