VCF – The Long Journey for Change 2003-2013 (includes timeline)
We offer a brief look into some of the work we have been doing at the Victoria Climbié Foundation UK leading up to and during our 10th anniversary year.
He or She Who Cares Wins is the VCF theme for 2013 and a message that we seek to share with all statutory, voluntary and community colleagues working with children and families.
We continue to promote children’s rights through our advocacy outreach and casework support services to children, young people and families, as well as learning and development opportunities for practitioners working with BME communities, especially around aspects of culture and faith. VCF is the leading independent organisation addressing issues of child abuse linked to faith or belief across all ethnicities.
VCF Comments… are used to inform and influence government and statutory child protection policies. VCF offers a community perspective fuelled by our advocacy work with children and families.
A selection of our comment pieces are included in this publication within the following broad categories:
- Policies and guidance
- Serious Case Reviews
- Culture and Faith
- Children’s Rights
Thank you for your interest in the work of VCF – The Victoria Climbié Foundation UK