

The Victoria Climbié Foundation was established by Mr and Mrs Climbié (Victoria’s parents) to campaign for improvements in child protection policies and practices and to ensure effective links & coordination between statutory agencies, care services and communities.

Our Commitment

The Victoria Climbié Foundation is committed to its campaign against child abuse, working to eradicate child maltreatment, child exploitation and child trafficking and to influence for improvement of good practice in child protection policies and procedures. We are committed to a pluralist society where children’s human rights are prioritised and paramount where nobody is allowed to use religion or culture to harm children.

What we do


Campaign for improvement in child protection policies


Advocate for children, young people, and families involved in child protection services


Supporting agencies and communities  to improve their services and safeguard children

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Victoria Climbié

The foundation bears Victoria’s name…

It was said that “conversations with Victoria were limited to little more than “hello, how are you?”

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