Stephanie Yorath


Why contempt for families often overrides the protection of children

How many times do we advocate the oft-used phrase ‘Safeguarding Children is Everyone’s Responsibility’. Whilst at a basic human level this is indeed true, these words […]

It is not illegal to believe in witchcraft, for many it has its roots in ancient traditions…

In the wake of the Kristy Bamu trial that led to the sentencing of his sister Magalie, and her partner Eric Bikubi for murder, VCF attempts […]

VCF Response to Crimes That Shook Britain: Victoria Climbie

VCF RESPONSE TO CRIMES THAT SHOOK BRITAIN: VICTORIA CLIMBIÉ VCF – The Victoria Climbié Foundation applauds Title Role Productions, the film makers behind Crimes That Shook […]

Witchcraft and Spirit Possession – A Community Perspective

The impact of globalisation in some African countries has driven people toward financial achievements. Everywhere is competing with wanting more, hence there is intense competition around […]

Does Britain need legislation to protect children from being labelled as witches?

That’s the question behind the Channel 4 Dispatches programme: ‘Britain’s Witch Children’. A 10 month investigation by the programme makers claims to unearth shocking evidence of […]