Tim Loughton MP

Tim Loughton MP

“I was honoured to be asked to deliver the keynote speech at the Victoria Climbie Foundation conference [The Child Protection System; Reforms and Developments from Laming to Munro] marking the tenth anniversary of the landmark report by Lord Laming into the killing of Victoria Climbie in 2000. As Minister for Children I worked closely with this excellent charity and continue to do so.” (November 2013)

“… the name of Victoria Climbié resonates with millions in this country as representing one of the worst examples of the incredible cruelty human beings can inflict on another innocent vulnerable human being. But the Victoria Climbié Foundation has been at the forefront of leading the crusade against such cruelty, and so we should put aside our sadness to celebrate the terrific work that they have accomplished over recent years.” (February 2013)

“… for too many years we have almost been in denial about the extent of child abuse and cruelty happening day in day out across the country. From apparently low level sexual abuse to the most extreme cases of torture, injury and murder this is a cancer in our society that needs to be tackled head-on wherever it is happening. That is why the setting up of the Victoria Climbié Foundation was such an important and powerful way to continue reminding society of the problems we face even in the UK in the 21st Century, and by doing so seek to do something about it.” (February 2013)

“Virtually every decade one poor child becomes the iconic face of child abuse in this country. It was Victoria‘s miserable fate to be that child in 2000 and for 10 years her death has been squarely in the minds of all the many campaigners, politicians, journalists and parents who have tried to make sense of child protection, to analyse it, and to improve it. Today is a day to pay tribute to the efforts and determination of all of those, of all political persuasions and none, who have accepted this challenge to make Britain safer for the most vulnerable people in our society. Few groups deserve higher praise than the Victoria Climbie Foundation itself. Since 2003 they have campaigned tirelessly to keep child protection at the forefront of political debate, challenging accepted truths, promoting good practice and fostering new ideas. But their work has not been limited to putting pressure on mere politicians. They have offered advice and advocacy for children, parents and carers, support for communities and for statutory agencies. They have tackled the thorny and frightening issue of child abuse linked to witchcraft and have helped strengthen the capacity of African communities in London. And of course, they have funded and built the enduring monument that is the Centre D’ Education Primaire Victoria Adjo Climbie in the Ivory Coast. On behalf of everyone here today, and of every child who has been helped by your work and of all those who will benefit from the Foundation‘s legacy in the years to come, thank you. You have helped set us on the right path. That path, as you know too well, has not been easy, nor is it yet.” (February 2010)