I am very grateful to VCF for taking me on for my work shadowing week, I have learned a great deal during my four days here and I have felt extremely welcomed into the organisation.
When I began the week I knew relatively little about what the organisation did and how they operated even my knowledge about how the organisation was formed was slim. However after observing the team, attending staff meeting and interviewing members of the VCF I have built up a good idea of how they work and have a great deal of admiration for everything VCF do.
I believe the morals and principles that VCF are based around are very respectable in that they always keep in mind the beliefs, religions, traditions and different cultures of all their service users when dealing with the cases that they work with, so as to not be biased, and all this in aid of protecting children and making sure they are brought up in the best possible environment for them. After my time here I am glad that I have indeed been able to put theory into practice.
My psychology and politics studies fit very nicely into the workings of this organisation, arguably better perhaps than anywhere else I could have gone for my work shadowing week. Seeing many different aspects of the organisation from many different viewpoints has given me a chance to link theories from my studies to VCF which I didn’t think I would be able to do. I found that VCF is an influential and empowering organisation and has provided me with a very successful work shadowing experience.